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DAMIANA - Turnera diffusa, syn. Turnera aphrodisiaca

Common Name:  Damiana, Mexican damiana, old woman’s broom, herba de la pastora, mizibcoc

Family: Turneraceae

Actions:  Anti-catarrhal, Anti-inflammator, Antidepressant, Anxiolytic, Aphrodisiac, Astringent, Balances hormones, Diuretic, Nervine, Reproductive tonic, Stimulant

Taste:  Astringent, mildly bitter, pungent

Energy:  Drying, Pungent, Warming


Damiana is a superb tonic for the nervous system as well as a sexual tonic with quite a reputation as an aphrodisiac. It has not been extensively studied clinically, however, the traditional knowledge speaks on its behalf. Damiana was a traditional aphrodisiac of the Maya people in Central America and native people of Mexico, and was used by native people of Central and South America as a relaxing nervine.


As a nervine, damiana is strengthening to the nervous system and a tonic to the hormonal system, and is indicated for anxiety or depression, in particular those related to sexual factors (Hoffman, n.d.). Through its stimulating tonic effect on the nerves and anti-depressant action, damiana lifts the spirit, helps with low self-esteem, and encourages a feeling of well-being. 


As a reproductive system tonic, damiana tends to maintain the general health of reproductive organs and helps to balance hormone levels. Alkaloids found in damiana may have a testosterone-like action (Hoffman, n.d.), helping one to overcome sexual impotence and low libido. While its testosterone effect may lead damiana to be considered a “male herb”, it supports sexuality in both men and women, increasing sexual desire and improving sexual performance.


Damiana effects on the nervous system, as it helps release anxiety and tension,



  • These statements has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

    • 2 oz., and 4 oz. extracts come in amber glass bottles with a dropper.
    • 8 oz. and 16 oz. sizes come in amber glass bottles with a plastic screw cap and does not include a dropper

    If you want 8 oz or 16 oz size, please contact us.  

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