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CLOVES  yzygium aromaticum

Common Name:  Clove

Family: Myrtaceae

Chinese Medicine Name:  Ting hsiang

Ayurvedic Name:Lavanga

Parts Used:  Flower bud

Actions:  Analgesic, Anthelmintic, Antiasthmatic, Antifungal, Antimicrobial, Antinauseant, Antioxidant, Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Antiviral, Aphrodisiac, Appetizer, Aromatic, Astringent, Carminative, Circulatory Stimulant, Diaphoretic Digestive, Expectorant, Rubefacient

Taste:  Pungent

Energy:  Dry and warming

In Ayurveda, cloves are considered to enhance circulation, DIGESTION, and metabolism and help counter stomach disorders such as gas, bloating, and nausea. 

Clove can help removes congestion, phlegm, and mucus Relives cough (chronic too!), sore throat, asthma, sinusitis, and laryngitis Reduces fever, cold, flu, and nausea Relieves pain and inflammation Treats toothache, headache, migraines, back pain, and joint pain. Clove is classified as a stimulant and is great for boosting the digestive fire, speeding up the metabolism, increasing circulation, and even awakening the mind.


Scientific Research

Antibacterial and antifungal activities of spices

Antimicrobial activity of eugenol and essential oils containing eugenol: A mechanistic viewpoint


Anesthetic agents of plant origin: A review of phytochemicals with anesthetic activity


Clove bud polyphenols alleviate alterations in inflammation and oxidative stress markers associated with binge drinking: a randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled crossover study





  • These statements has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

    • 2 oz., and 4 oz. extracts come in amber glass bottles with a dropper.
    • 8 oz. and 16 oz. sizes come in amber glass bottles with a plastic screw cap and does not include a dropper

    If you want 8 oz or 16 oz size, please contact us.  

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