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White Flowers

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Latin Name: Calendula officinalis

Common name: Calendula, bride of the sun, bull flower, butterwort, common marigold, drunkard, English marigold, field marigold, garden marigold, golding, gold bloom, golds, gowlan, hen and chickens, holligold, husbandman’s dial, mally gowl, marigold, marybud, marygold, mary’s gold, poet’s marigold, poor man’s saffron, pot marigold, prophetic marigold, ringflower, ruddes, ruddles, Scotch marigold, Scottish marigold, summer’s bride, sunflower, throughout-the-months

Family: Asteraceae/Compositae

Parts used:  Flower

Actions:  Anti-fungal, Anti-inflammatory, Antibacterial, Antimicrobial, Antispasmodic, Antiviral, Astringent, Cholagogue, Demulcent, Diaphoretic, Emmenagogue ,Hepatic, Immune, tonic, Lymphatic, Vulnerary,

Taste:  Bitter (mild) Pungent, Salty, Sweet

Energy:  Drying Warming

Main Constituents:

Carotenoids, flavonoids, mucilage, saponins, bitters, volatile oil, resins (Gladstar)

Ways to Use

Tincture, Tea, Infusion, Compress, Douche, Food, Gargle, Infused oil, Infused vinegar, Lotion, Mouthwash, Pessary, Poultice, Powder, Salve, Soak, Swab


Traditionally, calendula was used to support skin conditions, promote wound healing, release tension in the body, and prevent infections as well as its ability to improve the appearance of skin, stimulate healing, boost the immune system, ease menstrual pain, & detoxify the body.


Benefits & Uses of Calendula:

1. For Digestion and Gastro-Intestinal Needs:

Because of its astringent and antiseptic properties, calendula is very helpful for stomach ulcers, cramps, and general indigestion. “Calendula is suggested when one is suffering from heartburn and acid reflux, as well as gastric, duodenal, and peptic ulcers.”

2. As a Lymphatic:

Calendula is an extremely well-known lymphatic, or lymph mover. This means that if you are dealing with sluggish lymph, inability to get rid of a bad cold, swollen lymph nodes, or painful lymph nodes, calendula is a wonderful herb to turn to.  The lymph system is an important part of the immune system, but it has no pumping mechanism and so depends on the movement of the body to encourage the lymph fluid to move easily and quickly.  Using calendula can help reduce sluggish lymph in the body, as can movement!

3. For the Skin:

Calendula is one of the best herbs for use on wounds and injuries of all kinds.  

“Modern research shows that Calendula is not an antiseptic, but bacteriostatic. That is to say, it does not kill bacteria, but contains them, keeps the wound clean and thus helps the body to cure itself.” (Wood)


  • These statements has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

    • 2 oz., and 4 oz. extracts come in amber glass bottles with a dropper.
    • 8 oz. and 16 oz. sizes come in amber glass bottles with a plastic screw cap and does not include a dropper

    If you want 8 oz or 16 oz size, please contact us.  

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