Pollution, COVID, cigarette smoke, and whatnot, our lungs go through so much daily. We take our lungs for granted and think they can endure any pain we put them into, and perhaps it might be true at some point. Now our lungs are managing to survive and keep us alive. But, if this pollution and torture of cigarette smoke and forest fire continues, it can ultimately result in something serious. Consequently, not properly caring for the lungs can lead to serious respiratory problems like asthma, pneumonia, pulmonary embolism, COVID-19, and more chronic diseases.

However, in a few weeks or months, we can't reduce the years of damage to our lungs caused by pollution and pandemics like COVID. But, what we can do is protect our lungs from this intoxicating environment. This blog discusses prevention steps to protect our lungs from the polluted environment and how we can heal it with herbs that are in the Respiratory Ease Tincture.
Prevention Against Respiratory Problems
The human body has a natural shield that protects your lungs by keeping dirt and germ away. You can do some crucial things to reduce lung diseases and boost the body's natural immunity.
Avoid Smoking
Cigarette smoking causes the narrowing of air passage, making it difficult to breathe. Smoking ultimately causes chronic inflammation and swelling in the lungs, known as chronic bronchitis. Over time cigarette smoke destroys the lung tissues that can cause lung cancer and other potential respiratory problems. If you want to protect your lungs, then quit smoking. It's never too late to initiate a good step. Moreover, if you can't quit, at least reduce the level of smoking.
Minimize Exposure To The Pollutants
The poisonous environment has led us to the point that neither the indoor nor outdoor air is safe to breathe. Cover your nose and mouth with a mask or scarf if your immunity is low. The air quality index varies from day to day and time to time. Usually, it is most deteriorated in the afternoon and causes respiratory problems. So, avoid going out during this time and whenever AQI is low. Take all the necessary preventative care for COVID-19.
Exercise Regularly
Being physically fit and active can protect your lungs from getting damaged. Exercises keep the lungs healthy and increase the longevity of life. Do regular exercises to protect your lungs and avoid respiratory problems.
Regular Checkups
Regular checkups prevent chronic diseases. Undetected diseases can become serious without even getting aware. It happens mostly in the case of the lungs. Contact your nearest respiratory specialist and get regular lung checkups. Never avoid any symptoms related to breathing and coughing. Furthermore, get vaccinated against influenza, COVID-19, and pneumonia.
Apart from these preventative measures, there are other things to consider. Maintain good oral health always. Good oral health will help you in keeping your lungs healthy. Get an air purifier installed in your homes and offices to clean the air inside your rooms.
If an air purifier sounds costly, then grow some herbs in your backyards or garden to help you heal respiratory problems. Do you wish to know more about these herbs? Read more..
Growing Herbs To Cure Respiratory Problems
Nature has efficient healing powers. Some herbs found in nature naturally heal lung diseases and respiratory problems. Read about these powerful herbs and learn how you can grow them at your convenience.
The Mullein Herb
Mullein is the ultimate safe respiratory tonic. It eases the spasm and tightness and soothes irritation and dryness. To grow Mullein, you have to create a sunny, open, and undisturbed lawn or garden. You can have Mullein in the form of tea, syrup, tincture, etc. This herb has a mild flavor and aroma but is sure to strain the mixture through a cloth or filter paper to get rid of its tinging hair.
The Horehound Herb
Horehound is a famous cough syrup ingredient that loses spasms and ejects the mucus associated with the wet cough. It treats sinus infections, allergies, chest congestion, and postnasal drip. It would be best to cultivate it in mulched, soggy soil in a dry and sunny spot. It has a pungent and bitter taste, so it is best to take it in the form of a syrup or tincture. Additionally, it is also available commercially.
The Peppermint Herb
Peppermint isn’t just a spice. It is a natural antihistamine. It means that it can be helpful; in supporting respiratory problems. It prevents allergies that cause inflammation in the respiratory tract to make it airy and open.
Plantain Herb
We can find the plantain weed in our lawns and green paths. It is famous for treating bug bites and bee stings, but the leaves have a calming effect on respiratory problems. These leaves have antimicrobial properties that ease irritation and dryness. It works by moisturizing gently and helps to tighten the mucus lining. You can have it in the form of tea or syrup. The flavor is mild and pleasant.
Last but not the least, it is an amalgamation of three herbs - Trikatu. Read ahead to know more about this beneficial Ayurvedic combination and how it protects you from respiratory problems.
The Most Beneficial - Trikatu Herb
While all these herbs are unique and beneficial in their properties, Trikatu is the most beneficial and powerful herb in treating lung diseases and respiratory problems.
Trikatu is a therapeutic combination of three pungent herbs - black pepper, ginger, and long pepper. It is a miraculous combination that provides the maximum human health benefits like balancing metabolism, improving sperm quality, and reducing water retention during menopause. It eliminates excess cholesterol from the body and regulates blood sugar levels.
Moreover, it helps to expel the mucus and helps in the respiratory problems caused by excessive mucus. Also, it helps in treating Asthma and problems related to the head and neck. It heals sinusitis, throat problems, cough, and cold.
How To Take Trikatu For The Optimum Results?
The general prescription of this remedy is one teaspoon of trikatu churna or powder mixed with one teaspoon of organic honey. Take the mixture once a day. It comes in the form of powder, syrup, and capsules. We all agree that ingesting syrups is more convenient than having trikatu churna. Syrups allow careful administration of the medicine.
If you do not know the respiratory tincture recipe, you can buy the amazing Respiratory
Ease herbal tincture.
Respiratory Ease Herbal Tincture
Respiratory Ease Herbal Tincture is an ancient ayurvedic formula of the miraculous Trikatu. Respiratory Ease Herbal Tincture will help you in the following things. This Tincture helps ease breathing and clear sinuses. Also, it helps to decrease the harmful effects of season change such as inflammation and provides a soothing effect.
It breaks down the protein that triggers allergies and the body's immune system.
It clears the mucus from the intestines.
Enhances metabolic activity and rapidly absorbs the nutrients
It controls the bad odor of the mouth
It removes unhealthy toxins from the body
It supports healthy digestion and maintains juices in the stomach
Protect your lungs from respiratory problems naturally with the Ease Tincture
To buy the Trikatu-infused Respiratory Ease Herbal tincture, visit Shea's Apothecary. We are a trusted nutraceutical brand serving people to heal naturally through herbs and vibrational healing. To know more about us, visit the site.